Products Knowledge

What is the buzzer?

Generally speaking, a buzzer is an electric acoustic part that can produce the sound.
Roughly there are ten buzzers as follows:

Piezo electric buzzers with no source (External Drive)

Model one :
plastic cover (the upper cover), plastic cover (the lower cover), two pins and two polar piezo element

Model two :
plastic cover (the upper cover), plastic cover (the lower cover), two pin-cord and two polar piezo element

Model three :
plastic cover (the upper cover), cover-board (the lower cover), two pins, two pin-cords and two polar piezo element

Model four :
plastic cover (the upper cover), cover-board (the lower cover), two pins and two polar piezo element

The merits of this kind of products include that they cost less current, occupy less space, weigh less, have greater sound, have no interruptions from electromagnetism and frequency, have clear sound quality, have the function to choose several options with a single frequency, are heat-resistant and so on.

The shortcoming is that it can not be smaller currently (for example, the size below 12.6mm)

When the voltage used is an alternating signal, the measurement unit for the voltage should be Vp-p and the maximum of the voltage input should not exceed 25Vp-p, otherwise, the piezo element will break. Because the frequency width of the buzzer is quite narrow, the users must know the frequency used (Hz) to select the appropriate buzzer. If the frequency is improperly selected, it will not allow the buzzer to achieve the high-decibel sound.

Piezo electric buzzers with no source produced in our company (PT (External Drive) Series) are as follows:

PT-1240P, PT-1240PE, PT-1245P, PT-1250P, PT-1250W, PT-1340P, PT-1340P-P7.6-P, PT-1340P-P10-P, PT-1520P, PT-1520W, PT-1540M, PT-1540PM-P, PT-1540W, PT-1550P, PT-1550W, PT-2020P, PT-2020P-PC, PT-2021P, PT-2220P-P, PT-2030P, PT-2040P-P, PT-2060P, PT-2130P, PT-2138FPL, PT-2138FPL-L, PT-2725P, PT-2726P, PT-2736P, PT-3110P, PT-3112P, PT-3529P, PT-4175P, PT-4176P, PT-4530P, PT-1250W, PT-1520W, PT-1540W, PT-1550W, PT-2038W, PT-2040W, PT-2060W, PT-2065W, PT-2130W, PT-2725W, PT-2726W, PT-2728W, PT-2736W, PT-2745W, PT-2746W, PT-2746WT, PT-3529W, PT-3110W, PT-4175W, PB-3112, PB-5075.

Piezo electric buzzers with no source produced in our company (PT (External Drive) Series) the markets are as follows:

1-1. Home appliances (Air conditioner) : PT-1245P, PT-1540PM-P, PT-1340P-P10-P.
1-2. Home appliances (Samsung air conditioner) : PT-2020P.
1-3. Home appliances (Washing machine) : PT-2220P-P, PT-2030P, PT-2726P.
1-4. Home appliances (Microwave oven) : PT-2020P, PT-2020P-PC.
1-5. Home appliances (Induction cooker) : PT-1540PM-P, PT-1340P-P7.6-P, PT-1240P, PT-1240PE.
1-6. Home appliances (Air purifier) : PT-1245P.
1-7. Home appliances (Rice cooker) : PT-1540PM-P, PT-1340P.
1-8. Home appliances (Electrical fan) : PT-1340P-P10-P, PT-1540PM-P.
1-9. Home appliances (Oil and smoke excluder) : PT-1540PM-P.
1-10. All kinds of small appliances : PT-1245P, PT-1250P, PT-1340P, PT-1540PM-P.
1-11. All kinds of large appliances : PT-2020P, PT-2040P-P, PT-2130P.
1-12. Communication devices (telephone) : PT-3110P, PT-3112P, PT-4175P, PT-4176P, PT-2725W.
1-13. Communication devices (telephone) : PT-3110W, PT-4175W, PB-3112, PB-5075.
1-14. Communication devices (electrograph) : PT-2745W.
1-15. Power devices (continuous power system UPS) : PT-1340P-P10-P.
1-16. Digital camera : PT-1250W, PT-1550P, PT-1550W.
1-17. Cable jack box : PT-1245P.
1-18. Equipment and meters : PT-2060P.
1-19. Smoke alarm : PT-4530P.
1-20. Iatric equipment (ear-warming gun) : PT-1245P.
1-21. Portable theft alarm : PT-2746W, PT-2746WT.
1-22. Barcode machine : PT-1340P.
1-23. Sewing machine : PT-1245P, PT-1340P, PT-1540PM-P.

Piezo electric buzzers with no source ( or passive) (Self Drive)

It means that the buzzer must match the drive circuit designed by the users themselves or recommended by the company. In order to make the buzzer to produce the sound, this kind of products is composed of four models:

Model one : plastic cover (the upper cover), plastic cover (the lower cover), three pins and three polar piezo element

Model two : plastic cover (the upper cover), plastic cover (the lower cover), three pin-cords and three polar piezo element

Model three : plastic cover (the upper cover), cover-board (the lower cover), three pins, three pin-cords and two polar piezo element

Model four : plastic cover (the upper cover), three pins and three polar piezo element

The merits of this kind of products include that they cost less current, occupy less space, weigh less, have greater sound, have no interruptions from electromagnetism and frequency, have clear sound quality have the function to choose several options with a single frequency, are heat-resistant and so on. The voltage used is the DC voltage and the measurement unit is Vdc. The voltage determines the loudness of this kind of products. Higher is the voltage, louder is the sound and bigger is the corresponding current.

Piezo electric buzzers with no source produced in our company (PT (Self Drive) Series) are as follows:

PT-2035FP, PT-2035FPL, PT-2036FP, PT-2036FPL, PT-2130FP, PT-2138FPL-L, PT-2138FPL, PT-2725FP, PT-2725FPL, PT-2726FP, PT-2736FP, PT-2728FP, PT-2732FP, PT-2735FP, PT-2735FPL, PT-3529FP, PT-3532FP, PT-3534FP, PT-2038FW, PT-2060FW, PT-2065FW, PT-2130FW, PT-2736FW, PT-2740FW, PT-2745FW, PT-2746FW, PT-3529FW, PT-3534FW.

Piezo electric buzzers with no source produced in our company (PT (Self Drive) Series) the markets are as follows:

2-1 Home appliances (washing machine) : PT-2138FPL-L, PT-2138FPL.
2-2 Home appliances (tumble washing machine) : PT-2036FP.
2-3 Power devices of continuous power system (UPS) : PT-2130FP, PT-2035FP, PT-2036FP, PT-2728FP.
2-4 Smoke alarms : PT-3532FP, PT-3534FP, PT-3534FW.
2-5 Security products : PT-3534FP, PT-3532FP, PT-2138FPL-L.

A whole magnetic buzzers with no source

It means that the buzzer must match the drive circuit designed by the users themselves or recommended by the company in order to make the buzzer produce the sound. What does “whole” mean? It means that the shape of the products plastic cover is a whole with a firm construction and stable quality. However, it costs more and the construction of this kind of products is composed of two models:

Model one :

a whole plastic cover (the upper cover), cover-board (the lower cover), two pins, vibration piece, and loops,magnets and bottoms with or without glue

Model two :

a whole plastic cover (the upper cover), cover-board (the lower cover), two pin-cords, vibration piece, loops and magnets

The merits of this kind of products include that they occupy less space, weigh less, have clear sound quality, and are heat-resistant and so on. The shortcoming of it is that it consumes more current.

The voltage used is an alternating signal, the measurement unit for the voltage should be Vp-p, Because the frequency width of the buzzer is quite narrow, the users must know the frequency used (Hz) to select the appropriate buzzer. If the frequency is improperly selected, it will not allow the buzzer to achieve the high-decibel sound.

Whole magnetic buzzers with no source produced in our company (PB Series) are as follows:

PB-0627PE-01, PB-0627PE-03, PB-0627PE-05, PB-0927P, PB-0927P-01, PB-0927P-03, PB-0927P-05, PB-1220P, PB-1220P-05, PB-1220PE, PB-1220PE-05, PB-1220PE-12, PB-1221PE, PB-1222PE-05, PB-1222PE-12, PB-1224PE, PB-1224PE-05, PB-1224PE-12, PB-1226PE, PB-1228PE, PB-1620P, PB-1622PE, PB-2015P, PB-2712P, PB-2015P, PB-2712P, PB-2015W, PB-2712W.

Whole magnetic buzzers with no source produced in our company (PB Series) the markets are as follows:

3-1. Home appliance (electrical water heater) : PB-1225PE-SH.
3-2 Power devices (continuous power system UPS) : PB-1220PE, PB-1220PE-12.
3-3 Digital cameras : PB-0927P-03.
3-4 Cable jack box : PT-1245P.
3-6 Modems : PB-1220PE.
3-7 Motherboard for industrial use : PB-1220PE-05, PB-1224PE-05.
3-8 Motherboards : PB-1224PE-05.

A partitioned magnetic buzzers with no source

It means that the buzzer must match the drive circuit designed by the users themselves or recommended by the company in order to make the buzzer produce the sound. What does “partitioned” mean? It means that the shape of the products plastic cover is partitioned with stable quality. The construction of this kind of products is composed of two models:

Model one :
a partitioned plastic cover (the upper cover), cover-board (the lower cover), two pins, vibration piece, loops, magnets and bottoms with or without glue

Model two :
a partitioned plastic cover (the upper cover), cover-board (the lower cover), two pin-cords, vibration piece, loops and magnets

The merits of this kind of products include that they occupy less space, weigh less, have clear sound quality, and are heat-resistant and so on. The shortcoming of it is that it consumes more current.

When the voltage used is an alternating signal, the measurement unit for the voltage should be Vp-p, Because the frequency width of the buzzer is quite narrow, the users must know the frequency used (Hz) to select the appropriate buzzer. If the frequency is improperly selected, it will not allow the buzzer to achieve the high-decibel sound.

Partitioned magnetic buzzers with no source produced in our company (PB Series) are as follows:

PB-0927PE-36, PB-09C27PE-01, PB-09C27PE-03, PB-09C27PE-05, PB-09C32PE-01, PB-09C32PE-03, PB-09C32PE-05, PB-09M27PE-01, PB-09M27PE-03, PB-09M27PE-05, PB-09M32PE-01, PB-09M32PE-03, PB-09M32PE-05, PB-1220PF, PB-12C20PE, PB-12C21PE, PB-12M21P, PB-12S20P, PB-12S21P, PB-0927EW-36, PB-12S20W, PB-12S21W, PB-12M21W, PB-1220W, PB-1221W.

Partitioned magnetic buzzers with no source produced in our company (PB Series) the markets are as follows:

4-1 Communication devices (beeper) : PB-09C27PE-03, PB-09M27PE-03.
4-2 Power devices (continuous power system UPS) : PB-1220PF.
4-3 Digital cameras : PB-0927PE-36.
4-4 Modems : PB-1220PF.
4-5 Motherboards : PB-1220PF.
4-6 Computer box : PB-1220W, PB-1220PF.
4-7 Motorcar sound box sets : PB-12S20P.

Piezo electric buzzers with sources

This kind of products has drive circuit within themselves already. The users only need to use the DC voltage (Vdc), for example by using power stabler or dry batteries. Do not mismatch the anode and the cathode, otherwise the buzzer won not alert. The construction of this kind of products is composed of two models:

Model one :
a plastic cover (the upper cover), a cover-board containing drive circuit (the lower cover) two or three pins, two or three pin-cords and two or three polar piezo element

Model two :
a plastic cover (the upper cover), a cover-board containing drive circuit (the lower cover) four or five pin-cords and two or three polar piezo element.

The merits of this kind of products include that they consume less current, sound louder, have no electromagnetic or frequency interruptions, have clear sound quality, have the function to choose several options with a single frequency, have embedded drivelines, have a combination of various sounds and are heat-resistant and so on. The shortcoming is that it can not be smaller currently (for example, the size below 13.8mm)

The voltage determines the loudness of this kind of products. Higher is the voltage, louder is the sound and bigger is the corresponding current.

Piezo electric buzzers with sources produced in our company (Product: PK series continuous sound) are as follows:

PK-12N40PA, PK-12N40PE, PK-20A25P, PK-20A25P-24V, PK-20N38P, PK-20N38PS, PK-20A38P, PK-20A38PS, PK-21A28P, PK-21H28P, PK-21A29P, PK-21A29PS, PK-21A29PM, PK-21N30P, PK-21N30PS, PK-21N30PM, PK-21A31P, PK-21A31PS, PK-21A31PM, PK-21N31P, PK-21N31PS, PK-21N31PM, PK-21A35P, PK-21A35PS, PK-21A35PM, PK-21N35P, PK-21N35PS, PK-21N35PM, PK-21A36P, PK-21A36PS, PK-21A36PM, PK-27A25P, PK-27A25PS, PK-27N25P, PK-27N25PS, PK-27N26P, PK-27N26PS, PK-27A29ERB48, PK-27A29ERB48-1, PK-27H29ERB48-2, PK-27A35P, PK-27A35PS, PK-27N35P, PK-27N35PS, PK-35H29EP-6, PK-35N29P, PK-16N04W-01, 03, 06, 09,12, 24, PK-26N04P-06, PK-26N04P-24, PK-20A25W, PK-20A35EW, PK-20N38W, PK-20A38W, PK-21A29W, PK-21N30W, PK-21A35W, PK-26N04W-06, 12, 24, PK-26N04WN-06, PK-26N04WN-24, PK-27A25W, PK-27N25W, PK-27N26W, PK-27A35W, PK-27N35W, PK-27N36W, PK-35A29W, PK-35N29W, PK-35H29W.

Piezoelectric buzzers with sources produced in our company (Product: PL series slow pulse) are as follows:

PL-21A29P, PL-21A29PS, PL-21A29PM, PL-21N30P, PL-21N30PS, PL-21N30PM, PL-21A31P, PL-21A31PS, PL-21A31PM, PL-21N31P, PL-21N31PS, PL-21N31PM, PL-21A35P, PL-21A35PS, PL-21A35PM, PL-21N35P, PL-21N35PS, PL-21N35PM, PL-27A25P, PL-27A25PS, PL-27N25P, PL-27N25PS, PL-27N26P, PL-27N26PS, PL-27N26EP-48F, PL-27A35P, PL-27A35PS, PL-27N35P, PL-27N35PS, PL-35N29P, PL-20A35EW, PL-21N30W, PL-21A35W, PL-27A25W, PL-27N25W, PL-27N26W, PL-27A35W, PL-27N35W, PL-27N36W, PL-35A29W, PL-35N29W.

Piezoelectric buzzers with sources produced in our company (Product: PF series fast pulse) are as follows:

PF-21A29P, PF-21A29PS, PF-21A29PM, PF-21N30P, PF-21N30PS, PF-21N30PM, PF-21A31P, PF-21A31PS, PF-21A31PM, PF-21N31P, PF-21N31PS, PF-21N31PM, PF-21A35P, PF-21A35PS, PF-21A35PM, PF-21N35P, PF-21N35PS, PF-21N35PM, PF-27A25P, PF-27A25PS, PF-27N25P, PF-27N25PS, PF-27N26P, PF-27N26PS, PF-27N26EP-48F, PF-27A35P, PF-27A35PS, PF-27N35P, PF-27N35PS, PF-35N29P, PF-20A35EW, PF-21N30W, PF-21A35W, PF-27A25W, PF-27N25W, PF-27N26W, PF-27A35W, PF-27N35W, PF-27N36W, PF-35A29W, PF-35N29W.

Piezoelectric buzzers with sources produced in our company (Product: PK, PL, PF, PLD, PFD Series), the markets are as follows:

5-1 Home appliances (frequency convertible air-conditioner) : PK-12N40PE.
5-2 Electro motion car toys : PK-26N04P-06, PK-26N04P-24.
5-3 All kinds of large home appliances : PK-21N30P, PK-20A25P.
5-4 Power devices (continuous power system UPS) : PK-12N40PE.
5-5 Security products : PK-20N38P, PK-35N29W.
5-6 Home gas leaking detector : PK-20A38P.
5-7 All kinds of automatic bus doors : PK-27N29EP, PT-27N29EP.
5-8 Electric bicycles : PK-27A29ERB-48.
5-9 Car reversing sets : PK-27N26W, PK-27N36W.
5-10 Car keys, reminding devices for incomplete shutdown : PK-12N40PE.

Whole magnetic buzzers with sources

This kind of products has drive circuit within themselves already. The users only need to use the DC voltage (Vdc), for example by using the power stabler or dry batteries. Do not mismatch the anode and the cathode, otherwise the buzzer won not alert. The construction of this kind of products is composed of two models:

Model one :
a whole plastic cover (the upper cover), a cover-board containing drive circuit (the lower cover) two pins, vibration piece, loops, magnets and bottom glue.

Model two :
a whole plastic cover (the upper cover), a cover-board containing drive circuit (the lower cover) two pin-cords, two pins, vibration piece, loops, magnets and bottom glue.

The merits of this kind of products include that they occupy less space, weigh less, have clear sound quality, and are heat-resistant and so on. The shortcoming of it is that it consumes more current.

Whole electromagnetic buzzers with sources produced in our company (Product: PB series) are as follows:

PB-09N23P-01, PB-09N23P-03, PB-12N23P-01, PB-12N23P-03, PB-12N23P-05, PB-12N23P-09, PB-12N23P-12, PB-12N23MP-01, PB-12N23MP-03, PB-12N23MP-05, PB-12N23MP-09, PB-12N23MP-12, PB-16N23P-01, PB-16N23P-05, PB-16N23P-12.

Whole magnetic buzzers with sources produced in our company (Product: PB series) the markets are as follow:

6-1 Home appliances (sterilizing cupboard) : PB-12N23P-05.
6-2 Power devices (continuous power system UPS) : PB-12N23P-12.
6-3 Touch sensitive screen : PB-09N27P-03, PB-12N23P-05, PB-12N23P-12.
6-4 Car keys, reminding devices for incomplete shutdown : PB-12N23P-12.
6-5 Routers/switchboard : PB-12N23P-03, PB-12N23P-05.

Partitioned magnetic buzzers with sources

This kind of products has drive circuit within themselves already. The users only need to use the DC voltage (Vdc), for example by using the power stabler or dry batteries. Do not mismatch the anode and the cathode, otherwise the buzzer won not alert. The construction of this kind of products is composed of two models:

Model one :
a partitioned plastic cover (the upper cover), a cover-board containing drivel circuit (the lower cover) two pins, vibration piece, loops, magnets and bottom glue.

Model two :
a partitioned plastic cover (the upper cover), a cover-board containing drive circuit (the lower cover) two pin-cords, two pins, vibration piece, loops, magnets and bottom glue.

The merits of this kind of products include that they occupy less space, weigh less, have clear sound quality, and are heat-resistant and so on. The shortcoming of it is that it consumes more current.

Partitioned magnetic buzzers with sources produced in our company (Product: PB series) are as follows:

PB-12N23PF-01, PB-12N23PF-03, PB-12N23PF-05, PB-12N23PF-09, PB-12N23PF-12, PB-12D23P-01, PB-12D23P-03, PB-12D23P-05, PB-12D23P-09, PB-12D23P-12.

Partitioned magnetic buzzers with sources produced in our company (Product: PB series) the markets are as follows:

7-1 Home appliances (sterilizing cupboard) : PB-12N23PF-05.
7-2 Power devices (continuous power system UPS) : PB-12N23PF-12.
7-3 Touch sensitive screen : PB-12N23PF-05, PB-12N23PF-12.
7-4 Car keys, reminding devices for incomplete shutdown : PB-12N23PF-12.

Pasting piezoelectric buzzers with no sources (SMD)

It means that the buzzer must match the drive circuit designed by the users themselves or recommended by the company in order to make the buzzer to produce the sound. This kind of products is quite special and usually it is used in the communication products. Therefore, it is comparatively expensive and its relative cost is also high. What does “pasting” mean? It means that its outlook of the plastic cover and its size are small and the packaging is the rolling style. Then the pins can be pasted onto PCB. The construction is firm and the quality is stable.

The merits of this kind of products include that they occupy less space, weigh less, have clear sound quality, and are heat-resistant and so on. When the voltage used is an alternating signal, the measurement unit for the voltage should be Vp-p and the maximum of the voltage input should not exceed 25Vp-p otherwise, the audio piece will break. Because the frequency width of the buzzer is quite narrow, the users must know the frequency used (Hz) to select the appropriate buzzer. If the frequency is improperly selected it will not allow the buzzer to achieve the high-decibel sound.

Pasting piezoelectric buzzers with no sources (SMD) produced in our company (Product: PT series) are as follows:


Pasting piezoelectric buzzers with no sources (SMD) produced in our company (Product: PB series), the markets are as follows:

8.1 Communication equipment
8.2 Office automatic equipment
8.3 Computers

Pasting magnetic buzzers with no sources (SMD)

It means that the buzzer must match the drive circuit designed by the users themselves or recommended by the company in order to make the buzzer to produce the sound. This kind of products is quite special and usually it is used in the communication products. Therefore, it is comparatively expensive and its relative cost is also high. What does “pasting” mean? It means that its outlook of the plastic cover and its size are small and the packaging is the rolling style. Then the pins can be pasted onto PCB. The construction is firm and the quality is stable.

The merits of this kind of products include that they occupy less space, weigh less, have clear sound quality, and are heat-resistant and so on. When the voltage used is an alternating signal, the measurement unit for the voltage should be Vp-p,Because the frequency width of the buzzer is quite narrow, the users must know the frequency used (Hz) to select the appropriate buzzer. If the frequency is improperly selected, it will not allow the buzzer to achieve the high-decibel sound.

Pasting magnetic buzzers with no sources (SMD) produced in our company (Product: PB series) are as follows:

PB-0923M-01, PB-0923M-03, PB-0923M-05, PB-0925M-01, PB-0925M-03, PB-0925M-05, PB-0927M-01, PB-0927M-03, PB-0927M-05, PB-0932M-01, PB-0932M-03, PB-0932M-05, PB-0927S-03, PB-0927S-05, PB-09S27P-01, PB-09S27P-03, PB-09S27P-05, PB-1224M-01, PB-1224M-05, PB-1224M-12, PB-1224M-01-H, PB-1224M-05-H , PB-1224M-12-H.

Pasting electromagnetic buzzers with no sources (SMD) produced in our company (Product: PB series), the markets are as follows:

9-1 Communication devices (mobile phone) : PB-0923M-03, PB-0925M-03, PB-0927M-03, PB-0932M-03.
9-2 Computers
9-3 Various consuming electron products

Pasting magnetic buzzers with sources (SMD)

This kind of products has drive circuit within themselves already. The users only need to use the DC voltage (Vdc), for example by using the power stabler or dry batteries. Do not mismatch the anode and the cathode, otherwise the buzzer won not alert. This kind of products is quite special and usually it is used in the communication products. Therefore, it is comparatively expensive and its relative cost is also high. What does “pasting” mean? It means that its outlook of the plastic cover and its size are small

and the packaging is the rolling style. Then the pins can be pasted onto PCB. The construction is firm and the quality is stable.

The merits of this kind of products include that they occupy less space, weigh less, have clear sound quality, and are heat-resistant and so on. The shortcoming of it is that it consumes more current.

Pasting electromagnetic buzzers with sources (SMD) produced in our company (Product: PB series) are as follows:

PB-12N24M-05, PB-12N24M-12.

Pasting electromagnetic buzzers with sources (SMD) produced in our company (Product: PB series), the markets are as follows:

10-1 Communication equipment
10-2 Computers
10-3 Various consuming electron products